Kindle All Stars

It’s here! The Kindle All-Stars first issue has been released and is available on Amazon. This marvellous project, the brain-child of Bernard Schaffer, is an anthology of short stories by indie authors. The idea is to showcase indie talent while, at the same time, generating income for charity. The lead stories are by Harlan Ellison, Alan Dean Foster and John Merz. There are 31 stories in the collection, including a humble offering by me (*ahem*). And there are some real gems in there.
As I write this, the eBook has been on sale for a little over 12 hours and it has already reached #802 in all categories and 
#3 in Books > Science Fiction & Fantasy > Science Fiction > Anthologies

#6 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Fiction > Short Stories

#7 in Books > Literature & Fiction > Short Stories
The charity chosen by Bernard is the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. The book is priced at $0.99 so we need to sell a huge number of copies to make a difference by generating significant income for the charity.
BUY A COPY HERE  Read it, enjoy it, write a review and tell all your friends to buy a copy, too.