We’ve been living in this house since 1986. It’s a fine house, but it’s full of weird unexplained noises. If I were superstitious I might write about the spirits that inhabit the old place, or how the building itself sometimes seems possessed of a restless soul. Talk about things that go ‘bump’ in the night! In this house, things go bump, rattle and bang, and not just at night, but at all hours of the day as well. In 1996 we sacrificed an old lean-to garage in order to add a granny flat onto the side of the house. My mother lived in there for a few years, and she often complained of loud noises like ‘tremendous explosions’. I have heard a number of these myself and have never been able to explain what causes them.
Whatever all the unexplained sounds might be, I know they are nothing to worry about. And if the house itself or the spirits of previous occupants are responsible for some of the sounds, that’s okay too. I’m certain they are benign spirits.