For a couple of years now I have been collecting web sites for writers. My Favorites folder is full of useful and helpful sites. The trouble is I can’t be sure that the ones I have are the best on any given subject, and at this stage I have so many it’s impossible to keep track of them all.
There are collaborative web sites that provide self-help for writers and these are sometimes helpful in sorting the wheat from the chaff. I have joined a few of these, resulting in a blizzard of incoming eMails, most of them not of much interest. Then I spotted the best indie writers’ resource of them all:
The Alliance of independent Authors is a wonderful non-profit web site that provides all the best links, as well as the help and advice of the top industry experts. It was set up by Orna Ross and is backed by a number of well-known industry experts. Take a look at it. It’s not free, but if, like me, you have problems sorting through mountains of information looking for that gem, this is the one you should join.