I published my first WW2 thriller, The Black Orchestra, as an eBook for kindle on Jan 15, 2013. It took me 7 years to write. The final version had been professionally edited – twice – and rewritten several times.
Initial sales were not encouraging:
Jan sales: 19
Feb sales: 21
On the last day of February, I read this article by Joanna Penn about how to choose Amazon Categories and Keywords and how to drive these Keywords through SEO, website and blog entries.
First I searched Google Ads for suitable Keywords for my book, and came up with ‘WW2’, ‘thriller’ and ‘spy’ or ‘spy story’ as suitable keywords. I then followed Joanna’s process:
- I altered the title of the book to include the chosen Keywords.
- I rewrote the book description (blurb) on Amazon to include one Keyword.
- I selected suitable Categories for the book on Amazon.
- I entered the chosen Keywords in the KDP page for the book.
- I wrote several blogs using the chosen Keywords.
Following these changes sales of the book showed an immediate improvement:
Mar 190, Apr 415, May 407, Jun 408, Jul 407, Aug 352, Sep 327, Oct 306, Nov 263, Dec 1,077 (including 421 in a Countdown Promotion)
Total sales for 2013: 4,192
Sales have continued through 2014. Total sales for 2014: 7,965 (including 2 Countdown Promotions)
I launched the second book in the series, The Wings of the Eagle, on Jan 7, 2014. Using the same Keywords in the same way and the same Categories on Amazon, sales of the second book for 2104 amounted to over 5,000.
If your book needs visibility to increase sales, read Joanna Penn’s article and follow the instructions.
Let me know if this works for you as well as it has for me. And let Joanna know too!