New Cover Design

After a lot of help from @AnyaKelleye, the talented cover designer, I have changed the book’s cover. Hopefully, it will help stimulate sales.

Anya Kelleye deserves a lot of the credit, displaying the patience of Job while we worked though dozens of design ideas together. Thanks, Anya.

What d’you think of the new cover?

All comments and suggestions welcome. I can take it!

7 thoughts on “New Cover Design

  1. anyakelleye says:

    Thanks, JJ! I enjoyed working with you on it. Looking forward to working with you again. And don’t worry about all the mind changing. At least that way you get want you really want. After all it’s your book and you should be happy with it!

  2. JJ Toner says:

    Facebook wallahs have said the color scheme is all wrong, the word SPECIAL difficult to read and the picture too bland.

    Thanks for your support, guys and gals.

  3. George W says:

    Wow! I’m stoked (on your behalf)! It’s got my own creative juices bubbling ang gurgling over my own finished, but as yet coverless novel. The protag and antag are hiding in the bushes waited to be properly dressed. Your cover will bring them in, friend. The quality of your prose will have to stand on its own, but at least it will have a lot of readers racing past the open cover and into your thriller. And, that’s all you can ask for!


    Jay Squires

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