My first eBook is now in the oven at Amazon. The Kindle edition should be cooked and [...]
I never can remember the words of songs. The only one that I know really [...]
I’ve had to change my name. I discovered a published author called J.B. Toner on [...]
My Second Book is called “The Black Orchestra”. Those of you who have been reading [...]
I’ve been trying to make friends on Facebook. It’s not easy. Some friend requests that [...]
Moving toward publication of my first eBook, a collection of ten short Science Fiction stories. [...]
Plot outlines come in all shapes and sizes. At one extreme we have “pantsers” – [...]
Note to self:Okay, you’ve writing three quarters of your new YA book. You’ve reached the [...]
I have a well-thumbed copy of Strunk and White’s Elements of Style somewhere. Someone recommended [...]
As a reader, my own preference is for some variety in point of view. An [...]